Innocent Drinks Introduces Their First "Annual Grown Up Meeting"
One of my favourite examples of a brand with personality is Innocent Drinks, the smoothie maker from the UK that has built their business out of doing things a bit differently. From their annual charity drive called The Big Knit where they support Seniors knitting little hats for their smoothies (to be sold supporting a group called Age Concern), to the way that they approach all of their marketing and communications ... the brand is the ultimate example of how to build your business by having a unique identity. That even extends to their product, which lives up to their simple tagline: Fruit and Nothing Else.
So this past weekend, when the company decided to hold their Annual General Meeting and release their first annual report, it was sure to be a unique experience. Throughout the day on Saturday you could follow along with the proceedings through Twitter, Flickr and the official event blog. Innocent Drink enthusiasts were invited to participate in this meeting, abbreviated AGM so it could also be called "A Grown-up Meeting." If you check out the archive of materials, you'll see a particularly interesting conversation that came out of the event, and one that was captured through social media tools for the world to share. The blog has everything from photos of their annual report to videos on a YouTube Channel answering questions such as where the founders of the company first met. The event altogether offers a tempting thought ... what if your annual general meeting (or whatever you call it) was actually a chance for your most vocal customers to get together and share their passion for your products or services with the world? What if your annual report could be described as "lovingly prepared" and actually lived up to that promise and was entertaining and reflected the best of your brand, as well as all the results for the year? That's what having a personality means.
This *is* interesting. Clearly, they're following your book's advice, in spirit if not directly. I like what I've read here, and I'm excited about the potential that this gives to other businesses. I guess, in essence, the message I took from this post was: "you don't have to be a wacky product or zany service to put some great experiences out there to the community."
Great meeting you at Web 2.0 expo, by the way. Did you see the Flickr pic of us yet?
Posted by: Chris Brogan... | Monday, April 28, 2008 at 05:22 PM